This meme all started out on YouTube. Laina Morris, also known as Overly Attached Girlfriend, made a parody video of a Justin Bieber song named “Boyfriend”. She sang the song from the perspective of a stalker girlfriend, and uploaded the entire thing to YouTube. An image from that video would quickly be known as Overly Attached Girlfriend.
As these things go on the internet, loads of people instantly started digging through her personal life, even going as far as messaging her real-life friends. Ironic how her acting like a stalker girlfriend turned her into a victim of cyber stalking.
Luckily for Laina, she kept her cool and kept on making videos. She managed to quit her day job and provide a steady income with nothing but making YouTube videos, which seems like a better job than whatever you and me are doing. She plans to keep her channel going for as long as she can, and we hope she can keep it up for a long time.

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